Example HR
        Lynn Knutson

        Office:  5203 Chamberlin Hall

        Phone:  262-3096

          Office Hours:  to be determined

Example HR
   Semester End Curve:  To get some idea of where you stand do the following:  1) Add up your homework scores -- the total for the semester is 740 points -- and multiply the sum by 60/740.  2) Add your homework number and your two exam scores to find your overall accumulated points (out of 180 total).  The curve would be something like this:
       145-180  A
       130-144 AB
       110-129  B
         95-109 BC
         75- 94   C
         55- 74   D

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   Final Exam Information:
  The final exam is scheduled for Friday May 18 at 12:25 in room 2241 Chamberlin Hall.  Roughly half the exam will  be on material covered in class since Exam 2, and the remainder will be on any material from the course.  You may bring a 5x8 card (one side) with formulas and other information, plus your 5x8 cards (one side) from Exams 1 and 2 (three sides in all).  No other books or notes are permitted.
    The material we covered in class includes the following sections of the text: 8.1, 8.2.1, 8.2.3, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3.1, 9.3.2, part of 9.3.3, 9.4.1, 9.4.2,  10.1, 10.2.1, plus some relativity.  Here is a link to some notes on relativity for those who are interested.

Example HR
   Exam 2 Information:
The second hour exam will be held Fri April 20 at 8:50 am.  The exam will cover all of the material in Sections 4.4 through 7.2, corresponding to homework sets 6-9.   You may bring a 5x8 card (one side) with formulas and other information for Exam 2 plus your 5x8 card (one side) from Exam 1.  No other books or notes are permitted. 
A practice exam is now available on the web.
   Exam 2 Solutions

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   Exam 1 Information:
The first hour exam will be held Wed March 7 at 8:50 am.  The exam will cover all of the material through and including Section 4.3, which corresponds to homework sets 1-5.   You may bring a 5x8 card (one side) with formulas and other information you think might be useful -- no other books or notes are permitted.  A practice exam is now available on the web.

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   Text Book:
          Introduction to Electrodynamics (Third Edition) by David Griffiths

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Homework Solutions
Example HR
Table of Integrals
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   Course Information:
  • GENERAL INFO:  Physics 322 is a course in Classical Electricity and Magnetism intended for students who have completed the one of the introductory physics sequences (for example, 207-208-241 or 247-248-249) plus a course in classical mechanics (e.g. Physics 311).   Electricity and Magnetism is a large and complex subject, and in a one semester course there is no chance of discussing all the topics that are covered in the text.  The hope is that we will be able to complete the Chapters 1-7 and still have some time to devote to Chapter 9. There is no actual syllabus at the present time, but I will try to keep you up to date on the material to be covered each week as we go along.  You will notice that Chapter 1 in the text is a review of vector calculus.  Our plan is to begin the course with Chapter 2, in which we review the basic laws of electrostatics, and introduce the mathematical tools as they are needed.
  • HOMEWORK:  Homework assignments will normally be given each week. Students are permitted to work together on homework assignments with the goal of learning from each other.  However, don't fall into the trap of always relying on someone else to help you with the homework.  There will be no one to help you on exams.  Everyone also needs to understand that the homework paper you hand in must represent your own work.  Copying another student's solution is not permitted.
  • EXAMS:  We will have two regular hour exams during the semester.  The exams will be held during the normal class period on dates to be announced.
  • GRADING:  The final course grade will be based on the total number of points accumulated during the semester with 100 points for each of the two midterm exams, 150 points for the final, and 100 points for homework.
  • Example HR
       Homework Rules:

  • You ARE permitted to work with and learn from other students
  • You are NOT permitted to access published solutions to the Griffiths problems
  • The paper you turn in must be your own work, not something you copied
  • If the paper you hand in is not your own work, you will be subject to disciplinary actions as outlined under the University's rules of Academic Misconduct
  • Example HR
       Homework Assignments:

    Week Number
    Homework Problems
    Due Date
    Chap 1: 1-2; Chap 2: 1-4
    Chapter 2: 2, 6, 9, 12, 16, 20, 24, 26, 41
    Jan 31
    Chap 1: 3-5; Chap 2: 5; Chap 3: 1-2
    Chapter 2: 21, 30(b), 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39
    Feb 9
    Chap 3: 3-4
    Chapter 3: 6, 8, 12, 16, 18, 21, 22
    Feb 16
    Chap 4: 1-2
    Chapter 3: 28, 31, 32, 38 -- Chapter 4: 4, 6, 9
    Feb 23
    Chap 4: 3
    Chapter 4: 10, 15, 17
    Feb 28
      No homework

    Chapter 4: 18, 20, 24, 26 ; Chapter 5: 1, 6, 9, 10
    March 14

    Chapter 5: 13, 14, 22, 23, 26, 35, 37, 39, 56
    March 23

    Chapter 6: 3, 8, 12, 16, 24
    March 30

    Chapter 7: 7, 8, 17, 18, 22, 28
    April 16


     Chapter 7: 31, 33, 34, 48; Chapter 8: 2
     April 30
     Chapter 9: 2, 9, 10, 13, 20, 21, 33
    May 11

    Chapter 10: 2, 3, 5, 6, 10

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