Welcome to Daniel Chung's web page

Current title: Professor of Physics

Research theme:

Study the interface of cosmology and high energy theory.  Emphasis is on
observable physics and physics beyond the standard model.

Current topics of interest:

inflationary cosmology, axions, superheavy dark matter, quantum field theory in curved spacetime, baryogenesis, electroweak phase transition, basis tensor gauge theory, WIMP dark matter, alternate gravity, supersymmetry, gravity waves, dark energy, cosmic rays

Contact info: 5287 Chamberlin, 608-265-3133, danielchung@wisc.edu

Department of Physics
1150 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53706

Seminars of regular interest: theory seminar (high energy and cosmology), NPAC seminar, astronomy talks

Teaching: 207 (General Physics, Spring 2007, 2008), 247 (Modern Intro to Physics I, Fall 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011), 248 (Modern Intro to Physics II, Spring 2012), 322 (electromagnetic fields Spring 2014, Fall 2015, 2016), 406 (undergrad GR, Fall 2003, Spring 2006, Fall 2009, Spring 2013, Fall 2017, Fall 2018), 448 (undergrad quantum 1, Fall 2010), 717 (graduate GR, Spring 2004, Spring 2008, Fall 2012, Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018), 721 (graduate electrodynamics, Spring 2005, Fall 2013), 801 (graduate cosmology, Fall 2005, 2007,), 832 (Quantum Field Theory 2, Spring 2010, 2011)