Physics 109

Physics in the Arts

Fall 2001


First name Last name Office Phone e-mail address office hours
Willy Haeberli 1506 Sterling Hall 262-0009 2.25 PM Wednesday,1506 Sterling Hall
11.05 AM Thursday, 1506 Sterling Hall
Gelsomina "pupa" De Stasio 3418 Sterling Hall 262-5829    
Emre Tepedelenlioglu 3522 Sterling Hall 262-7555 8.50 AM Monday, 3522 Sterling Hall
9.55 AM Monday, 3522 Sterling Hall
Evelina Tsoncheva 2331 Sterling Hall 262-6274 1.15-3.15 PM Monday, 2331 Sterling Hall
Santhosh Padmanabhan 3514 Sterling Hall 262-1164 11.00 AM Monday, 3514 Sterling Hall
11.00 AM Friday, 3514 Sterling Hall

Homework: After October 31 / Before October 31

Lectures: After October 31 / Before October 31

Study Guide for Exam 2


Monday October 8
Monday November 5
Wednesday December 12
for the 12.05 PM class in Room 1300, Sterling Hall
for the 1.20 PM class in Room 125, Biochemistry Building

There will be no final exams and no make-up exams


There is no required textbook for the course, although you may find it useful to read "The science of sight and sound" by V. Kandhadai, which can be purchased at the University Bookstore, and is on reserve in the Physics Library and in the Undergraduate Library.
The lab manual will be handed out free of charge during the first week of laboratories.
Students MUST buy a bound quadrille notebook (50 pages or less) and bring it to the first laboratory.
Lecture notes for the second part of the course (beginning October 31st) will be available for downloading from this web page.
You may find it useful to download and print them before class.


There are no prerequisites for Physics 109. Homework and lab work require that you can do simple calculations, including fractions and very elementary high school algebra. Some of you may be out of practice: don't panic!
We will help but do overcome your embarrassment and ask questions when you have trouble.


Homework will be assigned on Wednesday and is due before class the following Monday.
Turn in the homework problems even if you have only partial answers.
You can get help for us on your homework during the office hours listed above.


All labs meet in Room 2331 Sterling Hall. Come to the lab session to which you were assigned. Record lab notes in a bound quadrille notebook, which you will then leave on the shelves in the lab.
It is essential that you attend the labs regularly. Attendance will be taken. If you miss a lab, you may make up for it the same week or the following week (make arrangements with your TA).
Photography and Musical Instruments labs must be made up the same week.
Failure to attend labs results in the loss of 1/2 grade point per lab missed.

Grades and Exams

Grades are based on the 3 exams and the 12 labs. Exam questions will be closely patterned after assigned homework problems and lab work.
The evaluation of your lab work will be based on the effort you make in the lab, and will be strongly affected by lab attendance.
It is expected that you stay for the whole duration of each lab (2 hours).
You are encouraged to deviate from the written lab instructions if you have ideas of your own which you would like to follow.
Your TA will grade your lab notebook.

You cannot fail this course if you:
    * do conscientious lab work
    * take all the exams
    * make use of TAs office hours



Week Class Date Lab experiment
1 5-Sep NO LAB
2 10-Sep Loudspeakers, Microphones
3 17-Sep Oscilloscope, oscillator
4 24-Sep Harmonic Oscillator, resonance
5 1-Oct Strings
6 8-Oct Pipes
7 15-Oct Sound analysis
8 22-Oct Musical scales
9 29-Oct Musical Instruments
10 5-Nov Reflection, refraction, Lenses
11 12-Nov Photography I
12 19-Nov NO LAB (Thanksgiving)
13 26-Nov Photography II
14 3-Dec Additive color mixing
15 10-Dec NO LAB