Blank Homeworks
NAME: _______________________, Sect. #_______
Physics 109 Homework # 4
due Wednesday, October 10, 2001
| open pipe:
speed of sound in air: 340 m/s.
- A 2 meter king piano string has a fundamental frequency of 50 Hz.
- find the period of the oscillation: T = ________________ sec.
- what is the round trip travel time of the wave on this string? (this relates to the slinky experiment in the lab):
round trip time = ______________________ sec
- what is the speed of propagation of the wave on the string? (speed = distance / time!)
speed = ___________________ m / sec.
- The string of a string bass is 1 meter long. When the string is plucked 1/4 meter
from the end of the string, what modes will be missing in the resulting oscillation?
missing modes: ________, _________, _________,
- A guitar string is plucked at a point one-third of the string length away from one end.
- what modes will NOT be present in the ensuing oscillation?
NOT present: ______, ________ , ________
- The string is now touched lightly at the midpoint. What modes will be present afterwards?
modes still present: ________ , _________, _________,
- An open pipe oscillates in the fundamental mode. Make a graph of the pressure at the various places inside the pipe.
Since the pressure keeps changing, show the pressure distribution at three instances one-quarter cycle apart.
pipe: ________________________________
pressure graph: ________________________________
- how long an organ pipe would you need to play a 40 Hz tone?
length = _____________ m