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   Final Exam:

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    Midterm Grades:
Here's a way to get some idea of what your course grade would be after the third exam.  First add up your scores from the first 9 homework assignments (possible 150 points) and multiply by 2/3.  Then add your three exam scores to the homework number.  This gives a theoretical maximum of 400 points with high score of about 350 in the class.  The grade assignments would go something like this:

          320 and up -- A
          290-320          AB
          265-290          B
          235-265          BC
          200-235          C
          150-200          D

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Instructor Evaluation  -- Rescheduled for class on Wed 12/11/02

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   Text Book:

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   Discussion sessions:

Discussion sessions will be held each week on Monday and Wednesday at 3:30 pm.  Students may attend either or both discussions.  The discussion groups will be led by Mr. Burikham and will focus mainly on problem solving.  The Monday session will normally include a discussion of the homework problems from the previous week, while the Wednesday session will focus on material related to the current week's homework.
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   Course Information:

  • GENERAL INFO:  Physics 244 is a course in Modern Physics designed primarily for students in Electrical Engineering and ECE.  The course will cover a wide variety of topics in quantum and atomic physics, with applications to more complex systems.  Topics to be covered include:
  • Discovery of the electron
    Kinetic theory and the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
    Quantization of electromagnetic radiation
    Structure of atoms
    deBroglie waves
    Motion of wave packets
    The Schrodinger equation
    Bound states in some simple potentials
    Reflection and transmission of waves -- Barrier penetration
    The hydrogen atom
    Electron spin
    Pauli principle and the periodic table
    Quantum statistics
    Emission and absorption of light -- lasers
    Electrons in solid conductors
    Energy bands
  • HOMEWORK:  Homework assignments will normally be given out each Monday, and homework papers will be collected in class the following Monday.  Students are permitted and encouraged to work together on homework assignments with the goal of learning from each other.  However, the homework paper you hand in must represent your own work.  Copying someone else's solution is plagiarism. Late homework will not be accepted.  Homework solutions will be posted on the web after the papers have been collected.
  • EXAMS:  We will have three regular hour exams during the semester.  The exams will be held during the normal class period on October 4, November 1 and November 25.  The final exam will be held on Thursday December 19 at 10:05 am.  Anyone requiring special arrangements for exams should contact Prof. Knutson at the earliest possible opportunity.
  • GRADING:  The final course grade will be based on the total number of points accumulated during the semester with 100 points for each of the three midterm exams, 150 points for the final, and 100 points for homework.

  • Example HR

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