Sept. 4 Introduction -- Electrons -- Millikan's Experiment 3.1, 3.1 More
Sept. 6
Kinetic Theory -- Pressure of a Gas -- Equipartition Theorem
8.1 More
Sept. 9
Probability and Statistics -- Distribution Functions Appendix B2
Sept. 11
Boltzmann's Formula
8.1, B3
Sept. 13 The Maxwell Distribution 8.1
Sept. 16
Transport  notes
Sept. 18
Light -- Blackbody Radiation --Planck's Constant
Sept. 20 Photoelectric Effect -- X-Rays -- Compton Scattering -- Photons 3.3, 3.4
Sept. 23 Energy Quantization -- Specific Heats 8.4
Sept. 25 Atoms -- Rutherford Scattering -- Bohr's Model 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
Sept. 27 de Broglie Waves 5.1, 5.2
Sept. 30 Wave Packets -- Phase and Group Velocity 5.3
Oct. 2 Probability Distributions -- Uncertainty Principle 5.4, 5.5
Oct. 4 ****  EXAM 1  ****  
Oct. 7 Wave Mechanics -- Schrodinger's Equation 6.1
Oct. 9 Square Well Potentials 6.2, 6.3
Oct. 11 Operators -- Expectation Values 6.4
Oct. 14 The Harmonic Oscillator 6.5
Oct. 16 Reflection and Transmission of Waves 6.6
Oct. 18 Tunneling 6.6 More
Oct. 21 Three Dimensional Problems -- Atoms 7.1
Oct. 23 Angular Momentum 7.2
Oct. 25 Hydrogen Atom Wave Functions 7.3
Oct. 28 Electron Spin and Magnetic Moment 7.4
Oct. 30 Fine Structure in Hydrogen -- Zeeman Effect 7.5, 7.7 More
Nov. 1 ****  EXAM 2  ****  
Nov. 4 Multi-Electron Systems -- Pauli Principle 7.6, 6.7
Nov. 6 Periodic Table 7.6
Nov. 8 Quantum Statistics 8.2
Nov. 11 Diatomic Molecules 9.2, 9.4
Nov. 13 Electromagnetic Radiation -- Selection Rules 6.4 More
Nov. 15 Absorption and Stimulated Emission 9.5
Nov. 18 Lasers 9.6
Nov. 20 Solids -- Crystal Structure 10.1
Nov. 22 Electrical Conduction 10.2
Nov. 25 ****  EXAM 3  ****  
Nov. 27 Free Electron Gas -- Fermi Energy 10.3
Dec. 2 Energy Bands I 10.5
Dec. 4 Energy Bands II 10.5 More
Dec. 6 Impurities 10.6
Dec. 9 Junctions 10.7
Dec. 11 Superconductivity 10.8
Dec. 13 Open  
Dec. 19 ****  FINAL  EXAM  ****